This is my current collection at 17. I got into shoes around July of 2021, but I only had 2 pairs of Yeezys up until about May 2022. I bought a few pairs over that summer and had around 7 total nice pairs. My collection stayed the same until about the beginning of this year (Feb 2023) and I started getting more into shoes. Before anyone says “mommy or daddy money”, that is simply not the case. I would love to have my parents buy me shoes for no reason other than a special occasion. I’m particularly good at flipping shoes for profit, and have been able to grow my collection in these pasts 9 months from that, as well as a temporary fast food job, and landscaping in my neighborhood. Fun fact, I’ve never spent more than 500 on a pair. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should add next to my collection/get rid of? Currently have San Francisco Hufs and Gulf 58s on the way. Thanks for any input and please try and keep the hate and negativity to yourself 🤘