Hello, I am looking to choose between the two watches mentioned in the title and I need help. I am planning to use this watch daily or at least 4 times a week if I have to do things that can damage the watch. This means I plan to use it both in summer with a t-shirt, in winter when I can dress a bit better and on some rare events where I need to wear a suit. The main things I am looking for are: resistance (how long will it maintain if cared for), sustainability (how easy is it to repair it and how pricey) and last but not least looks. For the Maestro I am looking also at changing the strap with a plain black leather one. I have also not yet decided on the colors and I would prefer getting some advice on how well the 4 attached watches look in real life before making a choice. One thing that makes me like like the Maestro more is the non-existent water resistance sign that adds to the minimalist look and also makes it easier to dress down. Thanks for the help in advance!



